I think it was the Watchtower Lies website I first stumbled across back in 2008. The plagiarized front covers and pictures that were clearly stolen and originally from other's work showed me Watchtower might not be as squeaky clean as they claimed.
I was then shocked by the Jimmy Swaggert story as I remembered literature becoming donations only and finding out the real reason that changed disappointed me. Why they had to spin it into something it wasn't I have no idea.
607 was next and I also came here but it all seemed too brutal and I found a much more gentle UK site which you had to pay to join. I met quite a lot of the members from that site and we met at Xmas several years running which was nice but it was overtaken by spammers and then a born again christian type called Stephen who was a nasty piece of work and would make it unpleasant to visit. The site was eventually closed down. It wasn't a place to necessarily find facts about JWdom it was more of a social site to make friends and get support.
Now the only websites I visit are this one for company and jwfacts if I want to know something specific.